MATH-UA 325 Analysis

Term: Spring 2023
Instructor: Dr. Michal Shavit
Level: Undergraduate


The real number system, sequences and series of numbers, functions of a real variable (continuity and differentiability), the Riemann integral, basic topological notions in a metric space, sequences and series of functions including Taylor and Fourier series.


Introduction to rigorous analysis on the real line.

Topics students should master by the end of the semester:

  • Fundamental properties of real numbers
  • Convergence of sequences and series
  • Elementary topology in metric spaces (open, closed, compact)
  • Rigorous definition and first properties of the derivative
  • Rigorous definition and first properties of the integral
  • Modes of convergence for sequences and series of functions

Skills students should acquire:

  • Write routinely short proofs with a good mathematical formalism
  • Use the classical tricks in analysis proofs (epsilon/3 argument, construction of a sequence, compactness, diagonal argument)
  • Have a good intuition of the various concepts: be able to give typical examples (or counterexamples) for basic statements
  • Manipulate rigorously the tools of integral and differential calculus