About me

Hi! I am a senior undergraduate student at New York University, joint majoring in Data Science and Computer Science and double minoring in Mathematics and Business Studies. I am proud to be a member of the Machine Learning for Good Lab at NYU led by Prof. Daniel Neill. This summer, I am fortunate to work under the guidance of Dr. Wesley Tansey in the Computational Oncology Service of the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

I am passionate about transforming insight from data and broadly interested in machine learning, statistical inference, and their applications to healthcare, public policy, social science, and sports. In particular, I am interested in exploring techniques to discover and exploit causality in observational settings.

Feel free to explore some of my recent course projects and research. More of my background can be found in CV. In addition, I share a strong passion for teaching. I could be reached at boyuan.zhang@nyu.edu

When not working, you might find me running orienteering with a map and a compass in some random forest or park.


August 2023: I present Testing for Individual Causal Effects in Observational Data at the 2023 QSURE Symposium.

March 2023: I will participate in the QSURE program at the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center this summer and will be advised by Dr. Wesley Tansey.

February 2023: I am excited to join the Machine Learning for Good Laboratory at NYU directed by Dr. Daniel Neill.

October 2022: I present A Regularized Adjusted Plus-Minus Model in Soccer with Box Score Prior at 2022 Carnegie Mellon Sports Analytics Conference.

May 2022: I will be participating SURE in Statistics at Carnegie Mellon University Department of Statistics & Data Science this summer.